Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brownie Scrapbook I AM SOO BORED!!!!! HELP!!!!!?

I AM SOO BORED!!!!! HELP!!!!!? - brownie scrapbook

Okay, I once asked this question, and I have good answers, but I ask again. I toally awesome and fun games that can enjoy a girl. online and offline. Do not just say "the movies, painting, an album that baking a cake or something." Be creative, original and different! And get the person the best answer, a rating of 5 stars, and I am 3 Answer questions truthfully. Thank you for your answer!


Imaka said...

A computer game (Scrabble, Mah Jong and Bridge) for me to read a book or a magazine, crossword, sudoku, music, movies, writing in a journal, a series of plateau or answer questions here at Yahoo Answers. Something to cook, clean house, do call for a walk, exercise, a friend, e-mail, visit someone, or even commercial.

Write in a journal is an interesting thing to do, especially if you back weeks or months, even years later and read what I wrote. Buy a blank journal, interesting what you are is and begin to write their daily thoughts, ideas and important events. You'll be surprised how quickly you are looking forward to time with her every day. And it could become an important recording for posterity.

Find a new hobby. Find something that is of particular interest to you. You can start your search and compile your family tree. I am sure that many family members would support such a project. A few other things that come to mind as II found interesting in the past, and learn to fill them now my grandchildren to Origami (read the story of Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes, and maybe start a project of the Crane), and the other is to learn how to tie different knots (most bookstores will be a book about the various nodes, and it is very interesting and also a useful skill to have).

Take a class - learn the nuances of digital photography, painting, writing stories, repairing small appliances, play bridge, dog care, ceramics, household, carpentry, plumbing, quilting, scrapbooking or anything what is offered in your area. Often you will find courses that are offered for free or nearly free.

Finally, and perhaps more importantly, if you often bored, consider volunteering. We will concentrate on your life and is a good feeling to help someone less fortunate and more needy than you. This can change a life.

Boredom is a choice, not a state of existence. If you are bored, because arThey get bored and leave. Take a look around. Opportunities there are books and a variety of other goods. Look at you use the things around you and ways to find them. If there are people around you, and find ways to help these people. Think of others, and how to help them, not yourself, and you never get bored.

Robbie L said..., its pretty cool for both genders just have fun and explore the cat, if not, try Sims 3:) even if it is not free

BadTrip said...

Planet When you buy a PS3 Little Big!

poisthew... said...

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