Monday, February 15, 2010

Best Source Rotodent What Is The Best Source Of Carbohydrates For A Sportsman? Potatoe, Pasta, Rice Or Maize Meal?

What is the best source of carbohydrates for a sportsman? Potatoe, Pasta, Rice or Maize meal? - best source rotodent

Which of these indigestible carbohydrates is better and easier. I play rugby and the need for the supply of carbohydrates before the game. The staple food in this part of Africa is a paste made of flour, but I am not convinced that this is the best source.


Answers by Andie said...

Pasta available. This has been known for over 10 years.

CYNTHIA said...

The dough will burn slowly, so that a good source.
Banana is great.I also eat breakfast with cereal and then a 2 hours before the game and one hour before the game. I am a referee and you can start the game, but my energy is better as a player in the last quarter, if you need to be as vigilant as when you started.
Plenty of water.
Rugby yours.

constant... said...

Insurance pasta - a marathon, my son swears by him and his tanks into the Gaza strip of dough before the events. Pasta comes in all kinds of cereals [to all types of eating cereal in the country] and can be chopped with fresh vegetables, spices or oils can be dressed you.

Sam I Am said...


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